Well, last weeks hike took it's toll on my neck. Very bad peeling. Very red. I was dying the beginning of the week, but at least Hamm and Smithson were suffering with me. I never realized how hard it could be to explain a sunburn to someone who has never seen one before. No one here understands it. I would show it to people and they'd just stare and be like, "Did a bug bite you?" I keep telling people that vazaha skin is easily hurt by the sun, and they don't get it ha. I told a few members, and by Sunday, the whole ward knew that "Elder Moulton's arms were sick".
Anyway, like I said last week, we had a baptism this last week. The first baptism for Analamahitsy in like 9 months, and my first. It was short and sweet, just like an hour meeting. On Saturday afternoon, we met a bunch of members at the church, then I got to see the font. Straight brown-yellow water, knee deep, freezing cold. I had to like push her all the way to the floor to get her all the way under. But it was a cool baptism, and now her Mom is wanting to learn, she's been getting more into attending church things now.
Valentine's Day was this week! We ate dinner with some of the members and watched this Valentine's video that a few people in our ward were in that was being broadcasted across Madagascar. I lent a girl one of my ties, and my tie was in it! Yeah! My tie is famous now.
What else.. not a ton of other cool stuff happened this week. We had some crazy rain storms that flooded the rice paddies. They seriously turned into like 4 feet deep lakes, hundred of yards wide, in like 5 minutes. I wanted to go out in them so bad, but we ended up taking a different road home. I was very sad. Mark my words, I will find my way out in a flooded rice paddy someday.
Also, Hamm and I have made great friends with the kids who live on the other side of the wall from us. Every morning we go throw a ball or frisbee back and forth with them. They are up so early calling us. Every morning while we make breakfast, we can hear like 20 kids yelling "Moulton! Hamm!" I also played some tunes on the guitar for all the kids because they had never heard American music, they said anyway. Good times chilling with all my bros. Every day we come home and they are up in our peach tree now. Apparently they were always scared to cross the fence because they thought the white people would get mad ha, we made sure to fix that.
Anyway, that's all for now, next Sunday is transfer news! So I expect I'll be headed out to my next area next week.
PS- Enjoy the photos of our sick P-day hike last week...
Great job. That's awesome!