Jacob 6:2 And the day that he shall set his hand again the second time to recover his people, is the day, yea, even the last time, that the servants of the Lord shall go forth in his power, to nourish and prune his vineyard; and after that the end soon cometh.

Cutest video ever!

Cutest video ever...At the very beginning you hear Elder Morgan tell the kids to go find a chameleon (the Malagasy are afraid of chameleons because they think they’re poisonous so it’s always a big deal when the missionaries touch them). Taylor then tells the kids to smile “ Tsiky tsiky tsara”. That cute little boy in the front left is asking, “Is it a picture? Who? Who? Who?” And you hear Taylor tell him it’s a video.

More cute kids!

Ha, when I was talking to all the kids, we were just naming a ton of different "laoka" that they like. Laoka is toppings for rice, they have a ton of kinds, so we were just naming a bunch.

Stories, Comments?

If any of you have received any letters or great stories from Taylor and would like to share it, we'd love to have it and post it here. When Taylor is done we are going to make this blog into a book for him. So we would love to have any additional stories that he may send to you. Just email them to moultonfamily1@msn.com. THANKS!!

Feel free to make comments to the posts below, and they will be emailed to Taylor. He would love to hear from you. Even if it is a small comment.

Letters from Elder Moulton:

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

1 month in...Hump day is here!!

Happy 4:30 AM! We have to get up super early to get washing machines quick. This seems to be the golden hour, hardly anyone is down here right now.

Anyway, one more week down. And we're finally on the downhill towards Madagascar! Last Friday was the halfway point, and we threw a big party in my room. Lots of chips, salsa, oreos, gummy bears, etc. Horrible mix. No one could sleep that night. Oh! And also, the box of cupcakes you sent me got mangled and thrashed haha, but we still lit the candles and ate them, they were just as good destroyed. I'm not sure why, but we did that like 3 times this week. One time for no reason, the second time for our half way party, then again the next night to say goodbye to our Rochie friends (Rochesters). They took off Monday morning at 4 AM and made sure to wake us up to say goodbye. Love those kids.

So starting off last week.. The Mongols finally left (They were stuck here for almost 16 weeks because of Visa problems), and one of them gave us a pair of his lumberjack pajamas, so we had a nice little arts and crafts sesh and made nasty ties out of them. They all turned out pretty awful, awfully awesome though.

Perfect ties for "Ugly Tie Monday"

Peter got here the other day! I didn't see him at all his first day, not a surprise though. But the next day I saw him at lunch or dinner and we talked for a while and got pictures. Then the next day we all ate together, and we met up with him during the temple walk. So I see him a bunch. Kyle comes tomorrow, too! So lots of buddies will be here again, super stoked. Also, kind of random, on my temple walk, I ran into my friends Tia and Jessica. Don't worry, no hugs were exchanged, still getting used to this handshake deal.. But we did get to talk for while, which was way nice.

The language is coming along more and more. I still struggle with putting things together quickly, I always have to think about it for a few seconds. Whenever I try to talk fast in Gasy I find myself throwing in Spanish and messed up English. It's a tri-lingual disaster, haha!

But on the plus side, both of our investigators, Miandry & Tojo, said that we had our best lessons yet. We can actually understand now and answer questions, instead of lecturing. Last Thursday or Friday, we were teaching Tojo and we were going to start the POS lessons, but when we went in, he told us he didn't understand why we need a prophet today, so we went from there and talked about the priesthood and the Apostasty. It was so tight, Tojo finally got really into the lesson. Same thing happened with Miandry. Good week for lessons.

Anyway, that's about it for this week, I'll send my memory card and a few random things home in the next week. Love you guys!


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